Monday, December 31, 2007

well 2007 is almost history. whew! what a yr. it was going ok until the day after Christmas. i came down with a nasty bug! started w/ a sore throat and now SIX days later, i barely have a voice. at first i thought it was strep throat, but not. anyway. just wanted to say i couldn't have made it without my mom, my boyfriend and my neighbor! Mom made a couple of trips over with med's and chic soup. any my honey made several trips over with some homemade delicious soup, fresh fruits and veggies and he even did my laundry and brought it to me! my neighbor just dropped off a batch of his "infamous" homemade (for Good Luck) blackeye pea dip with some crackers and a bottle of Bubbly!! God bless them ALL!!!
and to all you folks out there in blogland (those whom i haven't lost to MySpace, YouTube, FaceBook, etc) here's hoping 2008 will be happy, healthy, prosperous and GREAT!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Joy to the World!

Peace on earth,
Good will toward men,
Rejoice, our Savior is born!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wild Black Stallion
untameable, unstoppable, unbreakable
Always been free
Who am I
to stop him?
But the feelings
of Love
Want to hold him
caress him, tame him --
But it will not be
The Black Stallion
is free
And no matter
how much
you love him,
You cannot have him --
You can capture him,
But you can
never tame him,
The will
is stronger
than the flame,
And your heart
will be crushed
beneath his
thundering hooves.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happiness. Health. Hope.
But our words are just a reminder about our actions. Live deliberately, sacrifice for what is truly important, and above all, in these times -- and all times -- trust your heart.

-- John Edwards

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountain is going home; that wilderness is necessity; that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.
-- John Muir

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The snowflakes
drift silently down,
enveloping the world
in a white shroud;
Into a silent world,
Soft, serene, quiet --
a winter wonderland,
observed all alone.
Serenity falls softly
like the snowflakes;
all around,
drifting slowly
to the ground,
In a sweet reverie
that is unbroken
by sound,
creating its own
Calm, peaceful, tranquility --
like a vast
endless sea.


Raggedy, torn, tattered --
favorite old T-shirt,
frayed at the edges
like a well-worn
favorite old novel
with the pages well-read
and turned down
to remember
some favorite
similiar to
our own
fragile passing
through life
Raggedy, torn, tattered --
we can only hope
we are comforted
by those
who love us
even though we
are raggedy
and worn,
And pray
we're not thrown away
before our time is through.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

-- Jimi Hendrix

Monday, November 26, 2007

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardners who make our souls blossom.

--Marcel Proust

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Taurus - The Enduring One

Charming but aggressive. Hard workers. Warmhearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.

I especially agree with: passionate, emotional and temper! LOL

Sunday, November 18, 2007

this was my frame of mind Sat:

Tear drops fall
from my eyes,
like blood dripping
from a wound --
a gash
slashing my soul
when the abyss
beckons to you,
you might as well
fall into its embrace,
for resistance is futile
like a rape,
struggle is ineffectual
you might as well
accept it,
play dead
while it's happening,
and pray
you awake.


My world
is rendered DARK
and inaccessible
once again,
The abyss has returned
in this
torturous cycle --
even though
you know
it's coming,
never prepares you
for it's inpenetrable
darkness and despair,
Once again
in its deathlike
vicelike embrace --
The only solace
is to try
and drown
the pain,
Numb the grief
and hope
you will emerge
once again


by blackness,
deep, dark, despair --
anguish and sorrow,
will i make it
till tomorrow?
Alone, struggling,
reaching out
no one's there --
phone line's quiet,
bed's empty,
threshold is bare --
Curled in the fetal
awaiting relief
that is not there.


The world
goes on,
no body cares --
in silence,
holding on,
for relief,
that's nowhere
in sight --
just ride
this demon
and hold on
tight --
Ride it
to the finish
if you dare,
But the race
isn't over,
far from it --
Do you have
the endurance?
Can you handle it?
Can you make it?
One more time?
Helpless victim
to the ravishes
of its depair.
Please release me,
let me go,
let me be,
leave me
alone --
Don't destroy
with your
bleak darkness
and hopeless despair.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This is going to be a busy wkend! There is so much going on: Via Colori, Art Crawl, Renn Fest, etc. Since I'm going to have to work Thanksgiving wkend, and that is the last wkend for Renn Fest, i will probably go there Sat and do a beach run on Sun.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

--Crowfoot quote

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Don't forget to VOTE today!

Don't forget to vote today, especially if you enjoy Texas State Parks and want to see their continuance. Vote yes for Proposition 4. It will set aside funds to repair, maintain and preserve our great Texas State Parks!
A lone white stallion canters across the wide open plain. He is wild, he is free, he is strong. He holds his head high, proudly. Galloping into the unknown. His stride is confident and unbroken. He knows not where he goes, but he charges ahead valiantly. He has sired his foals, he has had his families. It is time to move on. He is alone, but not lonely. He is propelled ahead by the promise of new adventures to come. The wind rustles through his mane. And the white stallion gallops on...
--Michelle Macy

Friday, November 2, 2007

Good News!

Well, folks, it's official! I am now the proud owner of my very own (first) business: Macy Art Studio! I'll be pursuing the production of my cat cards (which I put on hold when I accepted a Personal Assistant position a couple of years ago). In addition I will continue with my fine art oil painting, drawing and photography. A website is in the works, along with a lot of other plans for related projects and activities. I will continue with my PA job to make ends meet.

All Souls' Day

'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"'
--Jack Kerouac

'To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget.'
--Arundhati Roy

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

'To work magic is to weave the unseen forces into form; to soar beyond sight; to explore the uncharted dream realm of the hidden reality.'

"At last the bewitching hour has arrived: All Hallow's Eve. Halloween comes down to us from the pre-Christian Celtic festival of SamHaim, held October 31, the last autumn night before the cold and bleakness of winter. On this night -- considered the Celtic New Year -- the Druids believed that the supernatural world drew closer to the physical world, so human beings were more susceptible to the power and influence of the unseen. Magic spells could be cast more easily, divination (predicting fortunes) was more revealing, and dreams held special significance."
--Sarah Ban Breathnach

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

wkend recap

well, i'm happy to report my Dia de los Muertos artwork "E pluribus unum" sold Fri nite. and i won the Grand Prize for best hat at BodyMind&Soul bookstore Sat eve. in attendance were Mom and Elaine, and Jeanne made it! Mom was wearing a headress she'd bought in Russia and looked like royalty! We (Mom, Elaine and i) left the store and went to El Pueblito for a bite. the weather was so perfect for dining alfresco. it was dark, the breeze was cool, the moon was full (or almost), surrounded by tall palm trees, a gurgling fountain and sawdust on the ground. the meal (crabcakes accompanied by ice-cold Negro Medelo) was fabulous!!! we went to my place afterward for an impromptu belated birthday gift-opening for Mom. she was surprised and delighted by her gifts. Thanks again Elaine! Sun i went over to Masoud's. i had to paint a wooden clock (for charity) and 2 boxes for the MindPuddles Gallery. there was a moment of panic because i didn't finished the clock until 6pm. and all the works are due on Tue! i was up until midnight painting the 2 boxes; one of Elsa (my cat) and the other of a black stallion. But thanks to Masoud(and all his help -- thanks Babe!), i got it done!!! and he and i made the most delicious pot of chili!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Busy Wkend

this is going to be a busy wkend! tonite is Lawndale's Dia de los Muertos. i'm going alone because they're charging $40 to get in, $30 for members. this is outrageous because the whole point is for folks to go in and bid on the retablos. the artists get in free, otherwise i couldn't afford to go. tomorrow (4pm - 6pm) is Body Mind & Soul's Halloween happy hour and Hat decorating Contest. Body Mind & Soul is a way cool book store (with eclectic gifts) over on Midlane, off Westheimer. i'm going with Mom and Elaine. we're supping afterward. then sometime inbetween i've got to:
unclog my kitchen sink, get the car's oil changed, do laundry, paint a wooden clock for a charity(Tx Children's) doll house and paint 2 wooden "boxes" for Mindpuddles Gallery. the painted items are all due on Tue Oct 30th. oh, WOW-age!!! then Wed is Halloween, which Masoud and i are supposed to attend some kind of Halloween bash. then i have to take Elsa to the vet (she needs a tooth pulled). i have to go to the eyeglass place with Mom. rent's due Thur. then i must vote on Nov 6. if you love Texas State Parks (and want to ensure their future), VOTE YES for Proposition 4 on NOV 6!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."

Janis Joplin

Monday, October 22, 2007

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

John Muir

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I want to give a shout-out to my sister today. She is a very generous person!!! I got a very nice surprise in the mail! Thank you Devereaux!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns.

George Elliot

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.

Ansel Adams
More pearls of wisdom from Sarah Ban Breathnach (Simple Abundance):
Is there a woman alive who doesn't suffer from stress? If there is, seek her out, ask her to share her wisdom. When you find her, I'd be willing to bet she'll offer the following suggestions:
Cultivate gratitude.
Carve out an hour a day for solitude.
Begin and end the day with prayer, meditation, reflection.
Keep it simple.
Keep your house picked up.
Don't overschedule.
Strive for realistic deadlines.
Never make a promise you can't keep.
Allow an extra half hour for everything you do.
Created quiet surroundings at home and at work.
Go to bed at nine o' clock twice a week.
Always carry something interesting to read.
Breathe -- deeply and often.
Move -- walk, dance, run, find a sport you enjoy.
Drink pure spring water. Lots of it.
Eat only when hungry.
If it's not delicious, don't eat it.
Be instead of do.
Set aside one day a week for rest and renewal.
Laugh more often.
Luxuriate in your senses.
Always opt for comfort.
If you don't love it, live without it.
Let Mother Nature nurture.
Don't answer the phone during dinner.
Stop trying to please everybody.
Start pleasing yourself.
Stay away from negative people.
Don't squander precious resources: time, creative energy, emotion.
Nurture friendships.
Don't be afraid of your passion.
Approach problems as challenges.
Honor your aspirations.
Set achievable goals.
Surrender expectations.
Savor beauty.
Create boundaries.
For every "yes," let there be a "no."
Don't worry, be happy.
Remember, happiness is a living emotion.
Exchange security for serenity.
Care for your soul.
Cherish your dreams.
Express love every day.
Search for your authentic self until you find her.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Leisure is a form of silence, not noiselessness. It is the silent contemplation such as occurs when we let our minds rest on a rosebud, a child at play, a Divine mystery, or a waterfall.

Fulton J. Sheen

Friday, September 28, 2007


My sister has completed her 48-state, 2 month, 13K mile+ odyssey!
A great, big, huge congratulations on your extraordinary accomplishment!!!
According to the American Heritage Dictionary:

Regret -
To feel sorry, disappointed or distressed about.
Distress over a desire unfulfilled or an ACTION performed or NOT PERFORMED.
An expression of GRIEF or disappointment.

Regrets are nothing to be ashamed of. And having regrets does not mean denying one's past experiences nor whom one is. Quite the contrary. It is Honesty. And only through honesty can one truly embrace one's Real self.
Regret, as per the dictionary explanation above, mentions the words mourn and grief. So if someone we loved died (especially prematurely) and we loved them and miss them -- that is regret.
Or if one wishes one had taken action to save a loved one's life but didn't,
that is regret.
Mourning a loved one's passing and experiencing grief over an action not performed, is only natural and normal.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In today's society, we may confuse meekness with a lack of courage or self-respect. But meekness has a fuller and deeper significance in scripture. It grows from commitment to God and humility of soul and leads to inner peace. Jesus calls us to this meekness.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" (Matt. 5:5).

Meekness comes from a peaceful, humble center.
--Donald L. Maly

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Just a thought for the day...

Lately I've heard all this talk about "no regrets." Sure that's a great, lofty ambition to strive towards. And a good motto to try and live your life by. But, if a person has lived on this earth for at least 40 years -- and I mean lived, really lived -- then there WILL be regrets! It's only natural. I believe if a person says they have lived thus far and have no regrets then either: a) they haven't truly lived, b) they're in denial, or c) they are delusional. Let's face it, life is a series of trials and errors. Life is a learning experience. If you live life, you are going to make mistakes. It's only human. We're mortals. Mortals make mistakes. And from mistakes come regrets. If you've lived on this earth for 40 yrs, you've more than likely: fallen in love, loved, been loved, been a victim, been cheated, been lied to, been stolen from, been betrayed. It's all a part of life. When something bad has happened, how can one not feel regrets? Unless you're a robot, cold and unfeeling, it's just not humanly possible. And if you can say you have no regrets, that's either denying it happened, not acknowledging it ever happened or if none of those things have ever happened to you, you must have existed in an extremely remote part of the world, under a rock! With life comes many experiences, good and bad. And to say you have lived it with no regrets means you've never made any mistakes. If you've never made any mistakes, that means you're perfect and lived a perfect life. NO one is perfect. No one has lived a perfect life. And that's not to say you can't have had a happy life or even a wonderful life. You can have achieved goals and made dreams a reality. But if in all life's infinite experiences, all the trials, errors, trips and travails, if you still think you can say you've lived a life without any regrets, then you've forgotten something that's happened, blocked it out or you're in deep denial or you are simply delusional.
Just a thought for the day.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out.

Vaclav Havel

Thursday, September 20, 2007

But what avail the largest gifts of Heaven,
When drooping health and spirits go amiss?
How tasteless then whatever can be given!
Health is the vital principle of bliss.

James Thomson

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come.

--Chinese proverb

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hey ya'll! I just have to give a shout-out to my sister Devereaux! She has been through 34 of our great states in the past six weeks. She's conducting interviews for a documentary she's going to make called "America Speaks." There is an article written about her in the Sept issue of The Informed Constituent (out of NY). Check it out at, pg 1 and 12.
You can follow her progress by going to her blog:
I'm so proud of her! Congratulations! Way to go sis!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

10 Things You Can Do to Fight Global Warming!

1. Recycle and buy minimally packaged goods as much as possible.
2. Wash clothes in cold or warm water, not hot.
3. Install low-flow shower heads to use less water.
4. Run the dishwasher only when full and don't use heat to dry dishes.
5. Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
6. Plug air leaks in windows and doors to increase energy efficiency.
7. Replace old appliances with energy-efficient models.
8. Walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation whenever possible.
9. Adjust your thermostat --- lower in winter, higher in summer.
10. Share these simple steps with friends and family and increase awareness!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

May your joys be as deep as the ocean, your sorrows as light as its foam.


Friday, September 7, 2007

The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.

Anais Nin

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What a horrendous way to wake up! The sound of demolition and destruction. Another house in the Heights being torn down. Here it is, SEVEN AM in the morning, when the Houston noise ordinance states that all commercial activity/noise should take place between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. Whatever. No one pays attention to rules nowadays anyway. Hell, if the President of the United States can defy rules, then why can't the rest of us? Oh, well, don't even get me started on that topic! Back to destruction. I'm so sick of demolition in Houston. NOTHING is sacred. First the Shamrock Hilton, then AstroWorld and for years they've been trying to find an alternative use for the Astrodome. And just the other day, I heard some jerk on tv discussing how keeping the Dome around is wasting taxpayers' money and should be torn down. Now the River Oaks Theatre and the Alabama Bookstop are in imminent danger from the wrecking ball. City Council passed some kind of ordinance deeming them historical entities, but even that is not enough to protect them from demolition. So what's the point then, if the ordinance doesn't have enough bite to protect the properties from destruction??!! They've already torn down a portion of the River Oaks shopping mall across the street, which used to house a Blackeye Pea restaurant. I just know the theatre and bookstore will suffer the same fate. It's a damn shame.
Crash!! Bang!! Whang!! The sound of glass shattering. The sound of wood crunching and breaking up like so much kindling. Not only the physical destruction -- but just think of all the memories, from all the families, that inhabited that house. Who lived their lives there, who shared the happy times as well as the heartache and pain. All the hopes, dreams and cherished moments embedded in those ceilings, walls and floors. And now it's just so much mulch under the devastating plow of the mechanical equipment. What a haunting, disturbing, distressful, depressing, sinister sound. I can literally feel the pain and loss being squeezed out of every single timber. It scratches and scars my very soul. And from the sound of it, they're clearing the whole friggin lot. Which means the killing of all flowers, plants and trees. All for GREED. All for the Almighty dollar. All in the name of Progress...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

--Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.


St. Theresa of Avila's urging for those seeking their calling:
"Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which he can do his work, yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world. Yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine forth upon a a troubled world. Christ has no body on earth now but yours."

'Today realize that Spirit has no hands, head or heart like yours. No other woman on earth can do what you alone are called to do, can give to the world what you alone were sent to give through your authentic gifts. The call may be so faint you can barely make out the message, but if you listen, you will hear it.'

--Sarah Ban Breathnach
Simple Abundance
He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.

Marcus Aurelius

Friday, August 31, 2007

'One must also accept that one has "uncreative" moments. The more honestly one can accept that, the quicker these moments will pass. One must have the courage to call a halt, to feel empty and discouraged.'
--Etty Hillesum

Sarah Ban Breathnach (author of Simple Abundance) had a really good entry for today:

"...accepting uncreative days as part of the creative cycle is crucial to your serenity. Uncreative days are real life. Every artist knows them, although few of us care to acknowledge this except in confidential whispers. But as you make authenticity your art you will know them, too. Uncreative days are the part of the yin/yang of artistic yearning.
It is so difficult to come to a halt, especially when we want to get on with our careers, relationships, health, creativity. But when you're too parched to pray, beyond tears, or too dreained to give a damn, it's time to cease and desist.
No, this does not mean you can quit. You still have to go through the motions, keep showing up for work: on the page, at the drawing board, stove, sewing maching, computer. Continue to prepare the canvas, moisten the clay.
Often the derailment of too many dreams can bring on a drought, but whenever there's a dry period, there's still plenty of Light. We're just blinded by dark dust storms. Arid despair can often result from nurturance deprivation: not eating well, not sleeping enough, working too hard and too long without anything to look forward to. If you're creatively barren, give yourself a break.
The hardest thing we'll ever do as artists of the everyday is learn to call an occasional halt. Today if you're feeling uncreative, don't despair. Start getting excited and save your strength. You're being prepared for a quantum leap in authenticity.
In the natural world, droughts depart as suddenly and as mysteriously as they arrive."
Sarah, you ROCK!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

One thing I know for sure, is that with time, everything becomes clear, all questions are answered, what's broken is restored, new trails are blazed, hearts are mended, love returns and you will look over your shoulder, with a tear in your eye, at life's utter perfection.

Anonymous Author
I am only one, but I am still one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something, and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

Edward Everett Hale

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Mother Theresa

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanates from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hope is a waking dream.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

it's so ironic because i just read a good friend of mine's blog(Mikie) and there are two similarities! first of all, she's been in a funk, just like me. she even used the same verbage i had, (in describing it to another friend --- Elaine), that i had to "get my groove" back! secondly, she was talking about getting a tin from Lawndale for the Day of the Dead show in Oct.
any artist can go to the Lawndale Art Ctr and pick up a tin to make an artwork with. the only "requirement" being that the sm sheet of tin must be somehow incorporated into the artwork.
it's alot of fun! i've been participating in the Dia de los Muertos for like 10 yrs now. it's always so interesting to see how many different interpretations there are. and how many different ways the artists use the tins. some are painted, some are framed, some are quite elaborate with electrical lights, fountains and orchestrated movements. some are so covered up, (with found objects, fabrics, wood, leather, paper, plastic, metals, wax, ceramics, mirrors, feathers, twigs, leaves, fur, etc), it's impossible to even see the tin. it is a great show to see!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.

Albert Einstein

Monday, August 20, 2007

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.

Henry David Thoreau

Friday, August 17, 2007


Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world.

Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

courage to create

"write the truest sentence you know," Ernest Hemingway encourages the writer in you. paint the truest image you can render. wait all day with camera poised to capture the five-second sliver of light. express the rage and range of emotion through your dialogue. convey passion's power with the curve of your dancer's body honed through discipline and denial. set the angel free when you carve. make the heavens weep when you compose.
--- excerpt from Simple Abundance (by Sarah Ban Breathnach)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sonnet to a Salmon

Sunday past Masoud and I decided to eat lunch out. At first we were going to go to Kim Son, but then we decided to go to Lucky Village. The deciding factor being Lucky Village has shushimi on their buffet and Kim Son doesn't. We're crazy bout shushimi! Usually the maguro (tuna) is awesome. But it wasn't quite up to par Sunday. But the salmon. OH!!! It was such a nice shade of coral, sweet, succulent, satisfying, spectacular, supreme, sublime. I'd even go so far as to say it was spiritual. It's one of the best things to ever pass between these 2 lips of mine! For an instant, I was transported back in time -- to an Alaskan environ -- I was one with the salmon; I was leaping, jumping, trying desperately to make my way upstream, to spawn. At my last, most courageous, valiant, far-reaching leap of all -- into the deep, dark, black depths of the abyss I did fall -- into the gaping, starving, carnivorous jaws of the great grizzly. Oops! I got carried away! But that salmon, made all the more special when shared with a kindred spirit who savored it as much as I did, was very special. Very special indeed. So thank you salmon for your sacrifice for my satisfaction.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thought for the day...

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
--- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Saturday, August 4, 2007

recent poems...

August Afternoon

Green boughs wave
outside my window;
lilac blossoms are heavy,
laden, saturated,
with water
from the recent rainfall;
the sun comes merrily out,
inbetween the
another August afternoon
creeps lazily by,
as my imagination
possibilities flicker,
and thunder rolls
in the distance.

For the Roses

Sweet beauties,
of such loveliness;
offer their suculence
to all who venture near,
my nose longs to touch
those soft, velvety petals
to inhale
the sweet,
intoxicating fragrance
that nestles there.

Meditation Green

Lacy, green foliage
forms an inviting
canopy outside
my window;
ruffling all
the leaves
in the gentle
afternoon breeze;
so many leaves,
overlapping, intersecting;
parts of a puzzle
forming a natural
so many colors
of green;
colliding, dividing;
forming intricate
in the air;
beckoning me, taunting me
to come outside
and play;
but alas,
i cannot,
i must work
and inside stay.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

does it matter?
does it matter
if you write it,
if there's no one there
to read it?
does it matter?
does it matter
if you paint it,
if there's
no one there
to see it?
does it matter?
does it matter
if you scream
if there's
no one there
to hear it?
does it matter?
does it matter
if you try
if there's
no one there
to notice it?
does it matter?
does it matter
if you live
your whole life
but die
without succeeding,
does it matter?
if you die
and there's
no one there
to cry,
does it matter?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


it's been kind of a rough patch in the road lately. into every life some rain must fall. i've been trying to help my sister; with her transition from moving out of her hi-rise to taking her documentary tour of the US. in the meantime, my house has sprung a sewage leak. lovely. but at least it's outside. then the brakes on my camaro are fixing to go out. i got an estimate at the place where i get my oil changed. it seemed a little high, so i thought i'd get a 2nd opinion. the 2nd place(Just Brakes)'s bid was DOUBLE!!! i showed the tech Kwik Kar's estimate and when he realized he wasn't going to get the brake job (2 front rotors, 2 front pads), he tried to scare and intimidate me into replacing the front calipers; which he said(in a raised voice) i couldn't drive with it that way because it was hazardous. that i could kill myself, him and others on the road. i didn't appreciate the dramatics. my car was still up on the rack and he was acting like he wasn't going to take it down. and he was going to charge the same price for the caliper job($250) that Kwik Kar was going to charge for the whole brake job. oh, hell no! i reminded him what he'd told me over the phone: that the estimate was free and i could have the car taken dwn (off the rack) at any time. i said take it down NOW. so, i don't know what to do. if i had someone to install the parts, i could save a bundle. i called the parts place and the price of the parts are HALF of what the businesses are asking. i know they have to make a profit, but DOUBLE??!! so, i guess i'll have to take it back to Kwik Kar. oh and the straw to break the camel's back? i got one of my credit card bills yesterday. it had a $30 late charge. i'm never late, so i'm like what?? come to find out, i never got last month's bill. and it's been so crazy around here, i didn't even snap until now. so i had to go to the bank today and straighten that out. and the beat goes on...

Friday, July 20, 2007

more & more...

Fri = 70% chance rain
Sat = 60% chance rain
Sun = 40% chance rain
Mon = 40% chance rain
Tue = 40% chance rain

Thursday, July 19, 2007

go away rain, go away...

rain, rain, rain. will it never cease?
80% chance today, 60% chance tomorrow, 50% on Sat, 30% on Sun, 30% on Mon...

Monday, July 16, 2007

saving the day...

i left my place yesterday around noon. headed for Bolivar, by way of Winnie. it was a nice drive. the rain had mostly let up, but you could tell there had been quite a bit of it recently. i stopped at Stuckey's for a pit-stop and i love looking at all the kitschy souveniers. got back on the road, drove thru Winnie(which looks much as it did back in the 70's when i used to frenquent it), past the fruit & vegetable stands, thru High Island(one of the birding capitals of the world), past Gilcrest, on thru Rollover Pass. i didn't stop at any of the Bolivar beaches; as much as i wanted to, since i was traveling alone with no cell phone, and if i had gotten stuck in the sand, it would've been bad because no one knew where i was. i did make a circle thru my old neighborhood, over on the beach side where the old roadside grocery store used to be. there's only an abreviated rest stop there now. the only recognizable house is my former in-laws home and a couple of rent houses i had occupied back when i was married. then on towards the ferry landing. i stopped for a Dr. Pepper at the bait house in Siever's Cove. the bait house is nestled in a fairly large marina, next to a boat ramp.
there's a covered deck built above the place that offers quite a view of the surrounding area and you can watch the boats and barges pass by in the intercoastal waterway which is just adjacent to the marina. i was the only one there and had the whole deck to myself, which was great! very peaceful, very relaxing. the weather was unbelievably cool. i guess because of all the recent rain. the humidy was real low and there was a nice cool breeze. so pleasant. i finished my soda and continued toward the ferry. unfortunately, there were a lot of cars ahead of me in line. it took two ferries, it was like 4pm-ish. after an uneventful ferry ride, i drove on the seawall headed for the west end of the isle. by the time i made it, to the place i always go to on the west end, it was 5:30pm. i parked and made my way across the walkway over the dunes. i took a nice, long leisurely stroll. since the tide was down, i was able to find a lot of sharksteeth. something i haven't been able to do in awhile because usually every time i go, the tide is up. i also found a nice specimen of the angle wing shell. the weather was incredible for this time of year. it felt more like autumn. i felt as if i had died and gone to heaven. surely heaven is a beach! it would be for me. when i got back to my car, it was 7:30pm. i was pretty hungry by this time since the last time i had eaten was brunch(leftovers from El Gallo) at 11am. i really wanted to have supper at DiBella's. a fantastic Italian restaurant over on 31st St and Ave P that is mostly patronized by the locals. but since it was 8pm by this time, i wasn't exactly dressed correctly (really short and holey cut-off blue jean shorts and a tank top), and had no reservations, i decided to skip it. i was still in the mood for Italian so i decided to go to CiCi's. i know, what a letdown. but it is a good place to get cheap pizza and lots of it. besides you can order any kind you want, unlimited amounts and free refills on drinks. all for under $7. that's hard to beat, especially on a poor artist's salary. as i sat there devouring my veggie pizza with extra cheese, i got to see the most beautiful sunset. it was splendid, with lots of pinks, lavenders and violets. i finally hit the road and decided to chance it by taking I45. you see, the last time i took I45 down to Galveston for the Historic Homes Tour with Elaine, the gulf freeway was under construction and created a huge traffic jam. but thank God, there was no construction, no detour this time. but it's quite a way from the west end of Galveston to my humble abode in the Heights and i didn't get home till after 10pm. which i was pretty tired by this time and since i had to go to work in the morning, i brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. but all in all, quite a way to spend a sunday.
p.s. i did two new paintings Fri nite!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Rain falls freely
from the clouds,
as tears
make their way
down the hills
of my cheeks
into the valley
of my despair,
Rumbling thunder echos
the hollow beating
of my fractured heart;
I know tomorrow's dawn
will bring a brighter day,
But for now
it is dark on the horizon,
Solitude surrounds me
and the darkness
is closing in.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

another great quote!

"Meglio un giorno da leone che cento da percora" -- it's better to live one day as a lion than a hundred days as a sheep!

Re: comfort and joy

howdy all! i was just thinking (i know, very dangerous -- LOL), when i was sitting on my sofa this morning reading my Simple Abundance book, as i do every morning. part of my morning ritual. i was thinking i was part of a "sisterhood" and hoping all my "sisters in arms" may have been reading this book at the same time i was; and that we were, for this brief moment in time, connected by a loving, emotional, spiritual thread that crossed all boundaries of miles and time. i fell in love with the Simple Abundance book so much, that i have given copies to: my mother, my sister and my dear friends: Elaine, Myra, Michael-Ann, Carolyn, Heidi & Trish. you all are very wonderful, special and empowered women and i hope this book brings as much comfort and joy to your lives as it has to mine.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

a great quote!

a quote from a book(The Food of Love) i'm reading:

"In Rome, we have a saying: "Anni, amori, e bicchieri di vino, nun se contano mai.' "

" 'Years, lovers, and glasses of wine, these things must not be counted,' " she translated.

i know THAT'S right!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

unpleasant surprise

i got home from work yesterday and noticed my trash can (City of Houston-issued) was gone! how LAME is that??!! it's not bad enough to have been burglarized and vandalized (May '06), but now my damn trash can has been stolen! so i called my landlord and she said to call 311. i called 311 and they said i had to call the non-emergency police line and file a police report (on a trash can!). i called the non-emergency police line, gave the information and the officer said another officer would call me back. that was at 4pm. i stayed off my phone for the next hour because i don't have call waiting. by 5pm, no call. then a knock at my front door. i went and asked who it was. the police! i was so surprised! he asked if i had called and i replied yes, but told him i was told it'd be over the phone. he was very nice, took my info and gave me a case #. then i had to call 311 back and give them my case #. they said it'd take up to 10 days to receive a replacement trash can! or i could put it out in trash bags. i replied i didn't think they accepted trash not in a receptacle. he said no, that i'd have to buy some stickers and put on the bags. i asked where. he said Kroger's. i said, at the courtesy booth? he said yes (they are like a dollar apiece). well, i don't think so. there are a lot of stray dogs in my neighborhood and i'm sure they'd like nothing better than to receive a great windfall such as nice, big, fat, juicy bags of trash for their destruction pleasure. no thanks. i called my kindly neighbor to explain what had happened. and of course he said i could put my trash in his trash can, no problem.
well, i guess if you live long enough, you see it all....

Monday, July 2, 2007

wkend recap

what a weekend! Fri nite i went over to my honey's. when i first got there, he wasn't around. he usually always greets me at the back door. then i heard his voice. i thought it was coming from the backyard, but he wasn't there. then i looked up. and there he was, up on the roof! he was trying to get a good shot of the full moon! whatta guy! he always keeps me guessing, he's always doing zany things for the sake of art, he's spontaneous and unpredictable, it's exciting! Sat my sister Devereaux came over. i showed her how to set up her blog. i had shown Masoud the nite before. this is such fun! after we got my sister's blog up and going, Masoud invited a friend of his(Alli) over. Alli brought a couple of movies. Masoud has set up this cool "entertainment center" and it's like being in a mini theatre. then Masoud wined and dined us(delicious spicy meatballs, steamed rice, homemade guacamole, veggie medley of zuchinni, bok choy & okra -- finished up with fruit salad (watermelon, canteloupe, papaya & green grapes) for dessert. afterward Alli took us all to see Micheal Moore's new film Sicko. Alli dropped us off and Dev ended up staying the nite. the next morning(Sun), we three went for some breakfast pho. it was Dev's 1st time to try it, we broke her in right! then we went next door to the half-price bookstore. we all found something! Dev got a really good book on colors, chakras & crystals and a yoga DVD. i got 2 more copies of Simple Abundance, 1 for Myra and 1 for my new friend Heidi. Masoud found some Rumi poetry books. i also got a yoga DVD and Masoud found some Suze Orman books(on finance) which he knew i was interested in. Dev was so sweet, she got them ALL for us!!! then Dev had a birthday party to attend. when she returned, Alli came back over with the movie Blood Diamond and one of Jackie Chan's. oh and Fri nite Masoud and i had watched Love Song for Bobby Long(filmed in New Orleans) that Elaine lent me. then Sun nite after Dev and Alli left, Masoud(mr. wonderful!) drove me all the way over to pay my rent. he lives near Bear Creek Park and my landlord is in the Heights. whatta guy!!!
so, if ya'll get a chance, check out Masoud's blog: and my sister's blog: the reason my sister wanted to set up a blog is because she is getting ready to embark on a National Tour. she's going to all the states except 5 (Alaska, Hawaii, Missouri, N. Dakota & Wyoming). she's filming a documentary! how cool is that??!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

hi Chirplett's!!


you'll never guess what? Fri i helped Masoud create a blog and sat i helped my sister Devereaux set up her blog! now i gotta get mom up and running!
this is FUN!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Masoud's birds

Savana kissing


sage ponies

one more!

i call this one

Sage Ponies.


yet another
recent painting
in the horse

tribute to Barbaro

another recent

painting in my

horse series.

red stallion

another recent painting.

a red stallion inspired

by Soutine.

recent painting

here is a recent painting.
i like to call Wave

Me n' Koozie!

this was one i snapped of me and Koozie(Mom) at the ballet!

making the bread...

this is Maynerd (Elsa) "making bread" on Momma.

hi honey!

it's my honey, Masoud!

guess who?

ya'll will have to bear with me. since i just learned a new trick, i'm gonna go kinda crazy!

A Historic Moment!!!

hey everybody! this is a historic moment! i just discovered how to post a pic! and it's of my precious baby, Elsa.
a special thanks to Michael-Ann who wrote me how to do it and to my honey Masoud for some fine-tuning.

About Wed nite...

well, i'm just getting to write about this past Wed nite. the original plan was to meet a former co-worker of mine from BCM for a beer at Azteca. i ended up getting stood up, he must've forgotten or something. but i never thought getting stood up could be so much fun! while i was looking for him, i ran into some other friends from Baylor! Nowana, who works in Acctg and Kenisha, who works in Radiology. i first met Nowana back in 1988 when i started out at Baylor in the Acctg Dept. i knew Kenisha from when she worked in the bookstore. now she works in the Radiology Dept where i worked for 4 yrs back in the mid-90's. what super ladies!! it was SO good to see them again!! and they introduced me to some new friends: Rochelle, Dee, Shawn, Ray and Lawrence. what a great group! you guys sure know how to have a great time! it was karyoke nite and what a hoot! it was such fun!! i can't remember the last time i laughed that much or had that much fun!!! thanks ya'll for making my nite!!! on the way home, i stopped by kroger's. i met these 2 cool women(Heidi and Trish) in the check-out line. they were buying a case of corona and i a bottle of wine. we could tell we were kindred spirits. so they invited me over. i followed them over to their house. not too far away from me. i ended up calling my honey and he came over. he's so cool. i don't know anyone else i could call up at 10pm on a weeknight, on the spur of the moment, and they would come(espec all the way from Hwy 6 & Clay over to the Heights). i have the coolest boyfriend in the world!! we all had a great, fun, impromptu party! even Elvis, Heidi's mastiff, joined in the festivities.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

About last nite...

About last nite...
more on this later!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back from New Orleans...

Elaine and i went to New Orleans this past weekend to celebrate her birthday. It's becoming a tradition. we left Fri (her BD) at 6:30am. stopped in Sorento to eat at The Cabin restaurant. then down the road to the Cajun Village for some shopping. was disappointed to see the art gallery featuring local artists was no longer in business. on to Nola. Elaine had booked us at the Villa Convento, believed to be the "House of the Rising Sun" from the song of the same name. it's a great place to stay in the French Quarter. the young man Warren, who works there and whose family owns the place, is always friendly, helpful and knowledgable. he is always accompanied by his female black Lab, "Oyster"; who upon hearing the bell ding at the front desk, jumps up from behind the counter, puts her 2 front paws on the counter and looks at you as if to say: can i help you? she is so adorable! Fri nite we went to Napoleon House for supper. i had to get the muffaletta. then down Bourbon St. what a place! no where else like it!! then we stopped off in this little hole-in-the-wall dive bar called Flanagan's. it was a Goth hang-out and we were the only non multi-tatted, multi-pierced people in the place. there was a huge screen tv playing the movie Army of Darkness. Elaine ordered a Cosmo and i a Bud Lite. i think it must've been the only time in the bartender's life that someone told him the drink was too strong! Elaine had him add some more cranberry juice.
the next day, Sat, was spent going down our list of places we wanted to make sure we went to.
we made our way down towards the RiverWalk Mall. one of my fav places, a cat store, was gone. altho i did find a place with a Hello Kitty watch that i had to have! we went to the food court, got some cold, liquid refreshment (in my case a strawberry margarita) and went and sat near the huge floor-to-ceiling window for a magnificent view of the Mississippi River. and altho there still isn't as much boat traffic as pre-Katrina, it's still a very relaxing pastime. then to Harrah's where Elaine wanted to try her luck. i, not being much into gambling, waited for her in the Starbucks. for dinner, we wanted Italian, so we asked Warren for his recommendation. he suggested Adolfo's(upstairs over the Apple Barrel bar). it was near the area where our friend Lips was playing at the bar Checkpoint Charlie's. so we planned to eat, then go and catch her set from 7-9pm. well, things didn't exactly go as planned. there was a long waiting list at Adolfo's. by the time we made it to Checkpoint's, we only got to hear Lips sing one song! a huge disappointment! but we did get to visit with her and meet some of her friends: a couple, Bill and June, and Donna. we drank a couple of beers, danced and visited. and then we got a suprise treat. a guest musician, Alabama Slim, joined the band (after Lips) onstage. he was fantastic!!!
in fact, the bar had been really loud and rowdy, but when he started singing, the whole place went silent. the people looked mesmerized, almost like zombies! it was an amazing thing to witness! not only his great talent, but the effect it had on the people, Elaine and i included. then
the next day we took it easy because we'd pretty much gone to most of the places we'd wanted to. we went and got some perfume (i got patchouli) at Bourbon French, we got some chocolate (out of this world!!!) at Laura's Candies. we went to Margaritaville, Hard Rock, Landry's and a whole lot more! i was bummed that the Baskin Robbins in Jax's Brewery was no longer there. and also that the Cajun place at the RiverWalk Mall was gone, they had the best and cheapest crawfish etouffee in all of New Orleans! also disappointing was when we went to the Hard Rock, we discovered that they're closed Sun's and Mon's. we went to most of our fav old places, found some new ones and i'm probably forgetting some. later in the afternoon, it became overcast, with a nice little breeze and low humidity so we went to sit on the Moon Walk by the mighty Mississippi. it was so pleasant. watching the river, the boats, all the people walking by. what a parade of humanity. then monday i got back in the driver's seat. we ran into some rain here and there. but it wasn't bad. and it didn't last long. when i got back, i saw that my wonderful neighbor Bruce, had trimmed back ALL the thick branches and bushes that had blocked my view whenever i tried to back out of my driveway! God bless him! and boy, was Elsa sure glad to see me! she couldn't stop meowing! i checked my phone messages, among which were Myra, Chris, Mom and my honey. so i called my honey and he couldn't wait to come over, laden down with a wonderfully delicious homemade dinner and a lovely bottle of red wine. like the saying goes: be it ever so humble, there's no place like home!

Monday, June 11, 2007


ever sees
as they
really are.
If he did
he would
cease to be
an artist."
Oscar Wilde

Sunday, June 10, 2007

sunday late...

hot summer nites... sweet, white wine.... sweet nothings whispered in your ear ... impossibly white roses with dark green leaves.... strong, therapeutic backrubs... confidences shared... helping organize 20 years of magazine clippings together... spending time with a kindred spirit... patience, understanding, sympatico... a delicious dinner of Connie's fried shrimp and talapia... more vino blanco... warm, romantic embraces... snapping photos of future remembrances... Beethoven symphonies playing on the radio, sandelwood incense fragancing the air, big fat cat lying contented at your feet, a pair of budgies chirping in the background, sun streaming through the blinds... a sense of surealness surrounding it all... not wanting it to end... but knowing it will... tomorrow is work, back to reality...

Friday, June 8, 2007


zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero

Thursday, June 7, 2007


knew shouldn't have had LARGE coffee!
at empire...
@ menil opening: awesome jackson pollock painting!
so heady so strong so potent so raw so sexual so strong so liberating so wow
ran in2 former student of mom's and his friend.
Ron and James.
James doing cool artist newsletter, wants submissions.
can be:
black & white drawings
b/w paintings
b/w collages
b/w photos
submit to:
t r y i n g to fight OFF late-nite cravings.... for tacos. ning! merrh!
bad shelli!
maynerd (meow) -- stop me!

menil's 20th

had promised mom i'd meet her 2nite at menil. they're having an opening, it's their 20th anniv! can't believe it's been that long. here's to art!!!

funny site!

hey, ya'll! ya havta check out this website:

it has pic's of cats w/ funny captions!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

just another wednesday

i went over to myra and brian's tonite after work. bri grilled us some delicious burgers. we three have decided to go walking every nite. anyway, after eating and before our walk, we were watching that new inventor show. it was so hilarious. this one guy had an invention that was supposed to enable a person to escape a burning building. he had his partner model it. it looked just like a giant human JIFFY POP popcorn!!! and then there was this woman who had invented, get this, a doggie barf bag!!! it was a bag with a strap and you put it on your dog like a muzzle. then there was this guy with a toilet. his invention was this do-hickey you hung on the outside of the pot. it had a fan and a built-in air freshener and he called it the "pot sniffer." it was supposed to "sniff" the pot and when it stunk, it was supposed to squirt the air freshener. and then there was this lady with a giant bib called the "auto-bib." it's for all those folks out there that eat in their cars. hey, i might actually use one of those! for those late nite taco runs, with sour cream and cheese dribbling down my chin...
here's to good ole American ingenuity (sp?)!
come on maynerd(meow), time for nite-nite!

Friday, June 1, 2007

June first!

It's already June, I can't believe it!! Time sure flies! And there's so much going on! Tomorrow I'm supposed to go help the Gavleston Bay Foundation volunteers plant some cord grass in Armand Bayou from 8am to noon(Marsh Mania). Then I promised Mitch I'd go help him and others set up for the Yale St Art Market tomorrow at 3pm. Well, he said he has enough bodies for the physical stuff, just needs help keeping cars out of the parking lot. No problem! Especially when he said there'd be some cold ones --- sweet! Then there's the AIA 21st Annual Sandcastle Competition in Galveston on East Beach. The constructing part is from 10am to 3pm. Judging 3-4pm. Awards 4:30-5pm. I'd like to take my honey because he's never been. But I just don't think there's time enought tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

almost midnight...

I watched the "Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" on channel 8 tonight. No matter how many times I see it, I still cry. Seeing it reminded me of the time I spent in San Fran attending the SFAI(San Fran Art Institute).
More on this later. Come on Elsa, time for night-night! meow!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, let's please take time out from whatever it is we're doing; to say a prayer, to observe a moment of silence, to honor and remember all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. We owe them so much.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Unexpected ways...

For this Memorial Day weekend, I really wanted to go camping. To my favorite "home away from home" -- Edna. Well, Lake Texana State Park actually. It's just on the outskirts of the tiny little town of Edna (The City of Flags) bout 2 hrs south on 59. Well, I didn't get to go. But sometimes, (like the Garth Brook's song) God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. I had such a nice walk Saturday morning. It's about as close to nature as you can get, in a city suburb, without going to a park. The yards, here in The Heights, are so nicely populated by all different kinds of trees, bushes, plants and flowers. And people have personalized their yards with their own special touch with wind chimes, fountains, sculptures, statuary and other interesting and sometimes whimsical touches. And when I pass by all the homes, I can't help but wonder who lives within? Who are they, were are they going and what are they doing with their lives? Are they successful? Are they happy? Are they troubled? Sometimes there are clues to be found on the outside. The kind/style/condition of the house, the kind of vehicles parked outside, the apperarance of the yard. But not all can be gleaned by mere appearances alone. Who knows what darkness may lurk inside --- the seemingly normal, innocent, status quo? Conversely, who knows what genius lies just beyond the front door, eking out an existence, trying to stay true to their selves and their art. Be it an artist, poet, musician, actor, dancer or writer. How to pay the bills? Keep a roof over the head? Food on the table? While trying to maintain their integrity -- trying to push forward, trying to better their selves and their craft. Aiming for higher ideals and goals, hoping to be discovered and appreciated some day. But the most important achievement, aiming to be a better person and artist and getting there. Sometimes (unfortunately) in the artistic world, you have to die before you can be recognized and achieve fame. But I digress. The other discovery I made Saturday was quite by accident. Which by the way, some of the best things in life, love and art are discovered by accident. I was at the Galleria (I know, can you imagine me -- who hates "mecca's to materialism" -- actually being in one, and of all days -- Memorial Day wkend? I must be crazy!) Anyway, I was on a mission.
I had my list. The clerk in Kirkland's noticed it and asked me, "you have a list of stores?" Yes,
I replied, that and a to-do list. It keeps me on track. I went by Crabtree & Evelyn to see if they had any India Hicks body wash. They were out. Then I went by La Madeleine's to redeem the coupon I had for my free birthday dessert. I ended up getting the fruit tart. I was on my way out of the Galleria, passing by the ice rink, when I stopped in my tracks. There in the ice rink, was some kind of special production going on. There were all these little kiddos dressed in beautiful, elaborate costumes, skating to some dramatic music, like a ballet on ice. The fact that there were some imperfections made it all the more endearing. You could tell they put their all into it --some were quite young, a couple were quite good. So it was quite an unexpected moment of simple joy and unexpected beauty. By the time I got home, it was pouring down rain. So I decided to wait awhile before heading out to I-10 and 6. In the meantime, I went out on my back porch. It's all enclosed (but with nice views of the trees) and is a nice, quiet, personal space. There are a couple of nice big potted plants, my sling-back chair and a small table. I plugged in the Christmas lights (I know, it's May, but the lights are white), lit some candles and a sage wand. The rain was coming down in torrents. But the setting was so tranquil, so transedecent, I was trasported away. What a nice way to spend a rainy, rainy afternoon.
Just think, If I had gone camping, I would have missed all this. The Lord does, indeed, work in mysterious ways.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


When I was in the bathroom the other night, getting ready for bed, I noticed an old nail -- all but buried -- in the bathroom door (I live in an old duplex). That got me to thinking (I know, just a little, bitty, old nail can set her off). The word "embedded" came to mind. And I thought how people can be like that nail. Embedded. Whether it's in a job, a relationship, and/or a living space. We may not be happy with our situation, but we "settle." Perhaps we've been there a long time and feel like we're in too deep, that we can never pull ourselves free. Or we're afraid we can't find anything or one better. And sometimes we never realize that we're in a prison; of our own making. And that WE are the only one who has the key. That only our self can set our self free. Perhaps it's more safe, comfortable, to stay where we are than to venture ahead, take risks and risk failure. Fear of the unknown.
Oh wow-age! How can she get all that from just looking at a frickin nail for pete's sake?! I guess it's the artist's whacky, creative, imaginative brain -- for better or worse.

Hump day

I received this email the other day:

Five Rules for Men to Achieve a Happier Life

1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans and has a job.

2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh.

3. It's important to have a woman who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you.

4. It's important to have a woman who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.

5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.

When I shared this with my honey, he laughed. And then I said, 'of course I'm all four'. He agreed (how could he not --- and still live??!! LOL) He said yes, plus one more: artist extraordinaire. Thanks baby!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


God shows no partiality. - Romans 2:11
Thought for the day: 'We are to respect one another because God respects us.' - Sheila Hicks (Tennessee)

'If I were asked to name the chief benefit of the house, I should say: the house shelters daydreaming.' - Gaston Bachelard
From Sarah Ban Breathnach:
'It takes literally years to birth a dream, whether it's a family, a career, a home or a lifestyle. Dreams also extract a price. Dreams cost money, sweat, frustration, tears, courage, choices, perseverance and extraordinary patience. But birthing a dream requires one more thing. Love. Only love can transfrom a houseful of needy, self-centered individuals into a loving, close-knit family, a passion into a livelihood or a dwelling into a home that perfectly expresses your authenticity. Even when money is not a consideration, love and time are still necessary to turn a house into a home.' Sarah tells how Samuel Clemens poured so much money into his home, he went bankrupt. Which he resolved by writing books such as "Mark Twain." 'Because of all the love he and his family bestowed on their home, "it had a heart and soul, and eyes to see with; and approvals and solicitudes and deep sympathies; it was of us, and we were in its confidence and lived in its grace and in the peace of its benedictions. We never came home from an absence that its face did not light up and speak out in eloquent welcome --- and we could not enter it unmoved."
How cool is that??!!
Sarah goes on to say...'Is there a woman here who doesn't long to live in such a home? A home that embraces, nurtures, sustains and ind inspires? Still many of us think this will only happen when we've got the money to move someplace else. Surely, it can't happen here. I mean, just look at this place! But let's take another look. "I dwell in possibility," Emily Dickinson confided. We can, too. Don't look at the problems. Search for the possibilities. It doesn't matter where you live at this moment. It may not be your dream but it does shelter your dreams. Those dreams can transform it into the home for which you long. Love knows how to paint, refinish, plaster, wallpaper, stencil, plant, sew and build, even on a budget. Love knows that whatever you lack in your checking account can be made up by investing time, creative enrgy and emotion. We need to learn Love's decorating secrets.'
In conclusion, Sarah says..."But before we can pick up a hammer, a paintbrush or the real estate ads, we need to daydream. Walk through the different rooms where you eat, sleep and live. Bless the walls, the roof, the windows and the foundation. Give thanks as you sift and sort, simplify and bring order to the home you have. Realize that the home of your dreams dwells within. You must find it in the secret sanctuary of your heart today before you can cross the threshold of tomorrow.'

Friday, May 18, 2007

Spirituality, Simplicity & Serenity

Thought for the Day:
'Even when trouble surounds us, God will never leave us alone.' - Jan Leary (Georgia)

Simple Abundance
'Out of clutter, find simplicity.' - Albert Einstein
Sarah Ban Breathnach wrote about spring cleaning for the month of May. Here is an excerpt for today's date: "After a morning spent sifting and sorting through the beautiful, the useful and the useless, I glanced around our living room floor. It resembled an archaeological dig with small stacks of artifacts all separated according to their domestic categories. I woundered what a late-twentieth-century anthropologist considering the juxtaposition of junk and precious mementos would tell the world about the woman. As I wandered through the rooms of the house, I began to search for the common thread in the lives of the world's great spiritual teachers and traditions: Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, The Hebrew prophets, The Moslem Sufis, The Catholic saints, The Hindu rishis, The Shakers, The Quakers, The Amish. They all embraced simplicity. Spirituality, simplicity and serenity seem to be a sacred trinity; three divine qualities of the orderly soul."
Sarah is inspiring me to get off my duff and attempt to de-clutter my humble abode. Simplifying is liberating! Sometimes it's hard to get rid of stuff. But I make three piles: keep(has to be beautiful, useful or sentimental), give away(if I don't use it or wear it, might as well give it to someone who will!) and throw away. I try to read the current month's magazines and get rid of them before the next ones arrive. It's a slow, tedius project, but there's hope! I can actually see the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel." So if I can do it, there's hope for hoarders and collectors everywhere! And I have to give credit to my boss too. She's the one who turned me on to the Simple Abundance book. And she's the one who gives me all the wonderful decorating/interior design mag's and Sotheby's cataglogs when she's through with them. They're chock-full of innovative ideas and beautiful things which inspire me and help jump-start my imagination! Oh and I musn't forget my honey! He is always encouraging and supportive of me. So ya'll keep those creative juices flowing and good luck!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Strawberry Festival - Pasadena, TX

This weekend is the Strawberry Festival at the Pasadena Fairgrounds (Fairmont Parkway @ Red Bluff). If you've never been and don't have anything to do this weekend, you might want to check it out. It's Fri 3pm till midnight, Sat 10am till midnight and Sun 10am till 7pm. They have the world's largest strawberry shortcake (yum!), strawberry dacquiri's(yummier!), arts & crafts, Bar-B-Q cook-off, live music, helicopter rides and last, but certainly not least, mud volleyball! I think I'm gonna wander down there Fri eve with Lidia and whoever else I can shanghi! Right after I attend the Donor & Volunteer Appreciation Picnic at the Center for Hearing and Speech: 3-6pm fajitas and 'ritas! yeee haaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


- Thought for the day:
'God offers water to satisfy our soul's thirst. Drink deeply!'
- Prayer:
'O God, you are the fountain of living water and the giver of life. Teach us to drink deeply of your refreshing waters and to be saturated in your love.'
from Carol Purves (Essex, England)

'Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.' - Anne Wilson Schaef

"How much of our lives is frittered away - spoiled, spent or sullied - by our neurotic insistence on perfection? Today, accept that perfection is unattainable. In real life we should strive to be our best - not the world's. Perfect women do not manifest on this plane of existence. Celebrities who sell perfection are more to be pitied than censured, envied or emulated. Why? Because, despite their fame and bank accounts, they rarely know a moment's peace; the whole world is watching, waiting for a misstep. Thank you, no. I'll pass. Won't you? Perfection leaves so little room for improvement. So little space for acceptance - or joy. On the path we have chosen, progress is the simple pleasure to be savored. Daily.' - Sarah Ban Breathnach
From ME:
I have the greatest neighbor! Bruce and his "fur children" schnazers Baxter and Jaxson. Bruce is a very thoughtful and considerate person. If I happen to be gone, or forget to wheel my trash can out to the curb Mon morn, he'll do it unasked. And oftentimes when I return home from work, he has already put my trash can back up. If I go on one of my "camping runs" and forget to tell him, he'll pick up my mail and hold for me. When I took the paper, he would always pick it up from the yard (he gets up early - 6:30am - to take the "boys" for their morning walk) and place it upon my doorstep. He always gets me a nice little something for special occassions, but sometimes he'll bring me over some roses from his garden, "just because". When Bruce goes out of town I like to return his favors by taking care of his dogs and/or picking up his mail and newspaper. This last weekend I did just that. Well, not caring for the dogs because he took them with him. When I returned home from work yesterday afternoon, there was a plastic sack on my door and inside was a nice bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and a thank-you note from Bruce. Thank you Bruce, you ROCK!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy belated Mother's day!

Happy belated Mother's Day to all you mommies out there! I took my Mom to the beach. That's what she wanted to do for Mother's Day. What a cool mom I have!!! We went to Bolivar via Winnie because TxDot decided to tear up the Gulf freeway during the prime beach-going months (May till November). Mental giants! Not! Any way, we went to the beach, sat in the sun, wiggled our toes in the sand and threw back some cold ones! Doesn't get much better than that! I even took a dip, the water was cool, green and clean. So pleasant. The pelicans graced our presence with several fly-by's and fly-overs. Many thanks to my honey for offering Mom and I to go swimming over at his neighborhood pool (which is very nice) and to cook a nice, delicious meal of talapia (and more) for us. But it was a "girls' day out." Mom, hope you had a good time, I know I did!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

No complaints

I read an interesting article in the paper the other day. It was about a pastor, the Rev. Will Bowen, in Kansas City. He proposed that members of his church wear purple bracelets to remind themselves not to complain. He asked each member to go 21 days without a gripe, criticism or gossip. If a mistake happened, the person had to switch the bracelet to the other wrist and start over again. Most members liked the idea but found out it wasn't easy. After four months, only 12 church members had reached the goal. Even Bowen himself wore out several barcelets before he reached the 21-day mark, which took 75 days. Then a ripple effect happened last October after a story appeared in the Kansas City Star and was reprinted in more than 30 newspapers across the country. People from nearly 80 countries have asked the church for 4.5 million bracelets. The list includes American Samoa, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan and Tatarstan. Bowen has appeared on Oprah, NBC's Today and radio shows in the US and Great Britain. He gives five to 10 tv interviews a week. The church Web site (, once had only 85 hits a week, now gets more than 40,000. Although the church has had only a slight increase in membership, Bowen said people from Japan, Portugal, the Philippines and the Virgin Islands say they listen to his sermon online and consider Christ Church their church. Bowen's big push now is to encourage the government to proclaim a National No-Complaint Day the day before Thanksgiving. "Then we would spend a day of gratitude, because the opposite of complaining is gratitude." It gives pause for thought. I don't know about ya'll, but if it takes a pastor 75 days, I can't imagine how long it'd take me! I may not have a purple bracelet, but I am going to try to make a concerted effort not to complain, criticize or gossip as much.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Whatta wkend!

Whew! What a wkend!! Went to the Galveston Historic Homes Tour. I've always wanted to go, finally got to. Elaine accompanied me, she's been going for like 13 yrs. It was quite a "marathon." She got to my house at 8:30am, we left shortly thereafter. Got to G-town a little after 10am. Would've been sooner 'cept for the construction on I-45 around Bay Brook Mall. You have to exit the freeway and travel on the feeder for awhile. Anyway, we did 7 out of 10 homes with a drive-by of a house in restoration progress. You have to stand in lines, then go in groups of anywhere from 5-7 people. Luckily it was overcast and there was a strong breeze. We had a quick bite at the 19th Street Market, pretty yummy! The tour is from 10am to 6pm, we finished around 5:30pm. Next we headed to Murdock's, sat on their deck watching the sea and had a cold one. If you've never been, check it out next time you're in Galveston. It's quite relaxing and worth the detour. Murdock's, for those of you not familiar with it, is built out over the water and its next-door neighbor is the Balinese Room. We were pretty hungry by this time so we decided to try a new place. Well, new to us. Actually I had lived across the street from this restaurant back in the 80's. But for some reason, never tried it. It's Di Bella's on 31st and Ave P. If you get a chance, check it out. It's really delicious!!! I especially enjoyed the lasagna. There's very little advertisement, except word of mouth. It's where the locals eat.
Yesterday Masoud and I went on a cleaning frenzy. First to my house where we took up the carpet rugs in the living room, bedroom and kitchen. He took them outside and cleaned them with his shop vac. Elsa had done her share of covering them in several layers of cat hair. Poor Masoud had to wear a face mask. He looked like a haz mat tech! He rolled them up and put them in his car. Then we went back to his place and cleaned my car. Once again the mask and shop vac were put to the test. They came through with flying colors! My car hasn't been this clean since I bought it (2000). It even got an Amor-all(sp?) treatment.
Well, guess I better get my butt back in bed. Poor honey probably wonders what happened to me. Have a good one!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In reaction to recent events...

What is the world
coming to??!!
When mass-murderers
are blowing away
fellow classmates;
Leaving a trail
of blood and destruction,
When the children
are playing the choking game,
When murder-suicides
are commonplace,
What is happening??!!
Is everybody going insane??!!
Is there any hope
for society?
How can we reverse
this epic violence?
Running down the corridor
Frightened and in pain
Hurry, quick, run
he's right behind
and getting closer
Duck, quick!
there's another
round, another
hail of bullets
raining down
Screams and cries
of pain
echo off the wall
raging in the hall
of emptiness
in vain
bodies lie all around
life has flown
God help us
the world
is coming
to an end.
only by flashes
of bright light,
the deafening roar
ringing in my ears,
deafening sound
trying to escape,
please, i don't
want to die,
getting closer
sharp, shooting
pain, ripping
tearing, falling
hitting, lying
blood ozing;
my life blood
ebbing away,
life is fleeing
just one more breath
but the pool's deepening
and the lights dim
one last time.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


'it's raining in my heart as it's raining in the square...'

Thursday, April 19, 2007


My heart is heavy and my soul aches for the senseless taking of lives at Virginia Tech. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.
May God bless them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hump day

Cool, clean, crisp, fresh air heavily laden and impregnated with the sweet perfume of star anise and other fragrant floral aromas. Water drops glisten off every tree leaf and blade of grass, heading into the sunlight give the dazzling appearance of millions of sparkling diamonds (April's birthstone and mine too!). Puddles of water everywhere, anxiously awaiting and anticipating the arrival of little children to splash, play and frolic in. Doves, pigeons, mocking birds and sparrows flit and flutter out of the way of my spirited gate. Past carefully tended gardens full of love, hope and optimism. Such is the way I start my day today...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

just tues

I finally got back to walking. What inspired/motivated me was Sarah Ban Breathnach (author of Simple Abundance). She says don't call exercise by its name, call it "creative movement." So, that's what I'm going to do.
Yesterday when I walked, the first thing I saw were some beautiful flowers: yellow pansies, golden daffodils, sweet fragrant star anise, some tiny bright red flowers I don't know the name of, along with some other different kinds of flowers , one variety lavender, the other purple. Then there were the delightful songbirds serenading me along the way. About that time a wonderful aroma hit my nostrils, freshly mown hay. Not really, it was freshly cut grass. It still smelled good though! Walking is so marvelous, like a moving meditation. And I got to thinking of things. Things I'd like to put in my blog. I wish I could be more like Mikie (I admire her honesty and candor), tackling "deep" subjects and baring her soul for all to see. But I'm a little shy yet. At least on the blog. Gimme awhile, bear with me and I might get there! I can only hope that those reading my posts will enjoy them and that I might reach out and touch someone, hopefully, in a meaningful way.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Easter egg hunting and other adventures

Friday, after work, I saw a great movie: Namesake. If you get a chance, check it out! Saturday I finally got to attend the Japanese Festival in Hermann Park. I've always wanted to go, but somehow never made it. Same with the Japanese Garden, which is very nice. Anyway, it was a little chilly, but the morning pho helped! And speaking of which, eating as much pho as I have over the years, has given me lots of practice with chopsticks. Which helped because Masoud encouraged me to try this little contest at the festival. It consisted of two small bowls; one full of rocks, the other empty. The idea was to transfer all of the rocks (approximately a dozen?) from one bowl to the other (without dropping any) with chopsticks in 30 seconds. I really didn't think I could do it, but much to my surprise, I did! The "prize" was a really nice pair of chopsticks! Rockin!! Mom made it down to the fest also.
Afterward, we went to this really good restaurant in Chinatown. Delicious food, very reasonable prices, large quantities of food, even homemade noodles! I can't remember the name, I'll have to ask Masoud. Then Sunday it was over to Mom's for the belated Easter gathering. Mom made a delicious meal: stewed chicken, covered in a broth full of onions, carrots and potatoes. There was also asparagus(my fav veggie). Devereaux made a nice, freshly tossed salad and brought some champagne for mimosas! Masoud and I brought a baguette, some pastries for dessert and some chocolate for hiding. Later, after the meal, Mom hid some "eggs" (plastic eggs with chocolate & money in them!) in the back yard. Then Masoud, my sister and I went on an Easter egg hunt! What fun! Whoever said Easter egg hunting was just for kids has never given it a try! It was Masoud's first time but he made out like a bandit!! Must be beginner's luck!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Different things...

I was so horrified when I found out a person intentionally set that office building fire. How can any person, much less one with the training and skills of a nurse, think that arson can be the answer to any problem??!! It just boggles the mind. Now she has the deaths of three innocent people on her conscience. Ironically, her boss was quoted as saying that she was such a good employee she wouldn't have been fired for missing the audit deadline.
And what about this petfood poisoning??!! How atrocious!! How could this happen??!!
I was saddened to hear of the Cash home burning to the ground.
I just KNEW Larry was the baby's daddy.
I cut out several articles recently that sounded interesting: one was on the development of cell phones with the ability to scan, one was re: the Hatfield's vs. McCoy's feud saying it might be partly explained by a rare, inherited disease that can lead to hair-trigger rage and violent outbursts. And one on a flying car that's in development. I'll have to get back to you on these.
Why is it my mind often "says" one thing and my body another? For instance, my mind says to drink green tea. My body demands none other then bottled Starbucks frappachinos(sp).
My mind says do yoga or walk; my body says move off that couch and I'll kill ya!
My mind says to eat healthy, i.e. more fruits and veggies. But my body's addicted to TexMex and I'm a junk-food junkie!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Neatest Book

I found the neatest book the other day. I was between tasks at work when I discovered the "gem" nestled in between copies of Interior Decorating and Entertaining on a shelf in my boss's bookcase. The book is "Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy" written by Sarah Ban Breathnach; a book written by a woman for women. A comtemplative reflection on how to live a better and more fulfilling life. There is an essay for each day of the 365-day calendar year. Her observations are keen, thoughtful, insightful, uplifting, encouraging and empowering. I was so motivated by the book, I decided to find a copy of my own. When I checked on it online, I discovered it was published in 1996 and was out-of-print. I could've gone ahead and ordered it, but was too impatient; I wanted to get my hot little hands on it as soon as possible. So, after Masoud and I had our breakfast pho Saturday morning, we went to the Half-Price Book Store next door. And lo and behold, I found it!!! As a matter of fact, they had four copies and I bought them all: one for me, one for Mom, one for Elaine (her BD's in June) and one for my sister (who just had a BD). And what a bargain, they were only $3.98 for a hard-cover copy!!
Oh, and on another upbeat note, one of my fav celeb's is coming to town: Paula Deen "Queen of Southern Cuisine." She's going to be at the Hobby Center on Friday April 27th : "A Conversation With Paula Deen" to publicize her new book "It Ain't All About The Cookin." I wish she was going to be cooking though!
Alot of good things are coming up: this weekend is the Japanese Fest at Hermann Park. Next weekend is the I-Fest downtown (Sam Houston Park).

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter ya'll!! We sure had wild weather! In fact, due to my idea, my fam's going to celebrate Easter next Sun. My sister's sick and I didn't think it'd be a good idea for her to get out into the cold and wet(it was supposed to rain) weather. Not that this Sun and it's significance will go unobserved. It is very much observed by me, internally, spiritually.
I just got through consuming a most beautiful of Easter Sunday meals, prepared lovingly by my honey; flounder and shrimp, sauteed in garlic and butter, along with fresh steamed asparagus and brocoli, rounded out by steamed rice and fettichini. May this most sacred of holidays find you and your family together, healthy and happy.

Friday, April 6, 2007

a Perfect Food

You know, I do believe I've found the perfect food source (all in one) --- a crispy beef taco! Remember in school when they taught us about the 5 different food groups? Grains, Meats, Veggies, Fruits and Dairy? Well, get this:
taco shell = grains
beef = meats
lettuce = veggies
tomatoes = fruit
cheese = dairy
(I know, it's a stretch -- but let a girl have her moment! LOL)
Viva el taco!

Good Friday

The despair of Good Friday gives way to the hope of Easter.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

If I ever...

If I ever win the lottery, here's what I'm gonna do: first of all, I'm going to do some world traveling. Next I'm going to create a foundation, in memory of my brother, to find a cure for AIDS and last, but certainly not least, I'm going to create an animal sanctuary (no-kill, of course). The shelter would welcome all kinds of animals, but mostly domestic. And cats and dogs in particular. They would be taken care of. But while they were there or until they were adopted, there would be some programs. Some of the pets could be in a program to visit senior citizen homes. Some of the pets could be in a program to visit terminally-ill people, especially children, in hospitals. Some of the pets could be in programs to visit veterans. And so forth. That way, the animals aren't euthanized, they contribute to the happiness and well-being of people --- it's a win-win situation for everybody.
Oh and of course, I'd help my family and friends!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Did ya'll see that story on the news last night? About the man who had climbed so high up into a super-tall tree that he had to be rescued? The tall ladder fire trucks were sent out, but they couldn't reach him. Next came the police helicopter. They couldn't get him. Finally the Coast Guard was called. And at last, success! They were able to get him down. The reason the man was up the tree? To retrieve his pet bird. Kinda touching really. But I can understand. Animals are awesome!! Especially our pets!!! They give us unconditional love. They don't lie, cheat, steal or betray us. Which is more than I can say about some of our human counterparts. If my Elsa (cat) was up a tree, I'd do the same thing!

Monday, April 2, 2007

of Bluebonnets and rejuvenation...

I can't believe it's been a week since I blogged. My bad!! Anyway. After a productive day on Saturday spent painting (completed 2 paintings), I felt the urge to flee, so Masoud and I headed up to the hill country. We went to Brenham, nosed around in some little antique shops, had an ice cream cone and sat under the trees in the town square to enjoy it. The weather was so agreeable: warm, sunny, low humidity with a nice cool little breeze that caressed our faces. From there we headed to the Antique Rose Emporium (just north of town on the outskirts). They have such beautiful flowers, gardens, arbors, fountains and ponds. Butterflies floating along in the air. We took alot of pic's. There were so many different kinds of flowers, besides roses, which are still my fav. We also saw large patches of bluebonnets and Indian paint brushes on our way up and back. No matter how many times I've seen them, they still excite me. After the Emporium, we went to Lake Sommerville's Overlook Park. Surprisingly and luckily, it wasn't very crowded so we found a nice, secluded, out-of-the-way spot for our picnic. The whole experience was just so pleasant, so relaxing. We watched the sun set on our one side, while the moon rose on the other. It was a big, fat, white voluptuous moon; peeking from behind a black lacy veil of branches, gave me inspiration for an idea for a future painting. Nature is so awesome!!! It never ceases to fascinate, amaze, and inspire me! There's something about communing in nature that nutures the soul; so restorative, so relaxing, so rejuvenating!! It has a certain charm when experienced alone in quiet solitude. But there's also a special joy in sharing it with a kindred spirit --- someone who loves it just as much as you do. One who shares a love for nature and also for each other.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is my sister's birthday and she's currently in Hawaii celebrating. What a place (paradise) to bring in your birthday?! Way to go sis! Also, a happy birthday shout-out to an old friend of mine, David. Happy BD buddy, wherever you may be.
On another note. Life is full of surprises. Just when you think you've gotten a handle on things, whump! there it goes! You've been thrown a curve ball, life overturns the apple cart. I know change is natural and inevitable. A part of life. That the 'best laid plans of mice and men' --- yada, yada, yah. It doesn't make it any easier to deal with, to accept. But you must. Life goes on...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Pursuit of happiness...

Listen to this: Claremont Graduate University is establishing the world's first psychology doctoral program on "What makes people happy?" Oh, wow-age!! Now, there's a concept! They say it isn't "New Age" but a program in the emerging field of positive psychology. And that it marks an advance for serious research into human happiness and related quality-of-life concerns. I'd say the time certainly has come! (article from the Chron) 'Altho the desire to live a better life is fundamental for ordinary folks -- think pursuit of happiness -- researchers long have devoted their energies elsewhere.' "Most research on human behavior has focused on what goes wrong in human affairs: aggression, mental disease, failure and so on," said Claremont prof Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. "We don't know enough about what makes life worth living, what gives people hope and energy and enjoyment" he added.
Robert Emmons, a Univ of California at Davis psych prof said "Everyone has talked about happiness from the beginning of time, but now psychology is adding to a field previously the domain of philosophers, theologians and poets." How cool is that??!! And for the record, here's my list of the top 5 (things that make me happy). And yes, it's very difficult to narrow it down to just five. But here goes:
1. loving and being loved
2. family & friends
3. pets
4. nature (communing w/, i.e. camping, going to the beach)
5. doing what you love to do -- for a living

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


According to Marilyn vos Savant's readers' survey in the Chronicle's Parade mag, The Ten Most Unwanted Inventions are:
1. high heels
2. jet skis
3. leaf-blowers
4. automated telephone assistance
5. television
6. video games
7. bass amplifiers
8. neckties
9. car alarms
10. cell phones
Well, I can definitely relate to 1, 3, 4 and 9. Let me elaborate. High heels look great/sexy, but ruin your feet. Leaf blowers are nothing but noise pollution. All they do is make your problem(leaves and cut grass) someone else's problem by simply blowing it all away. Useless, totally useless. Get a broom, sweep it up, put it on the compost heap or put it in the trash already! Otherwise it becomes your neighbor's problem or if blown into the gutters, ends up in Galveston bay, cutting off oxygen in the water and killing fish and other critters that make the Bay their home. As for automated phone assistance, there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one! Assistance, my foot! By the time you get through the twenty options (none of which you want), and finally get to your option, you have to be on-hold hell for God knows how long!!! And car alarms. Another in the category of useless, totally useless. All these are good for is noise pollution! Well, enough of my rants and raves for now. I'll leave it on a funny if not rather sad commentary on our world today. In the Sunday Chronicle travel section there was an ad for a "Go wild with 'Britney Breakdown' package".
It was for 4 hotels in San Fran offering accomodations plus extras that include: a $50 hair salon gift cert, "Hanky Panky" lace thongs, a Marc Jacobs mirror (perfect for "I am fabulous" affirmations), bottled water in lieu of alcohol and a $25 clothing store gift cert. By the way, I think they forgot panty hose in that survey!