Wednesday, March 21, 2007


According to Marilyn vos Savant's readers' survey in the Chronicle's Parade mag, The Ten Most Unwanted Inventions are:
1. high heels
2. jet skis
3. leaf-blowers
4. automated telephone assistance
5. television
6. video games
7. bass amplifiers
8. neckties
9. car alarms
10. cell phones
Well, I can definitely relate to 1, 3, 4 and 9. Let me elaborate. High heels look great/sexy, but ruin your feet. Leaf blowers are nothing but noise pollution. All they do is make your problem(leaves and cut grass) someone else's problem by simply blowing it all away. Useless, totally useless. Get a broom, sweep it up, put it on the compost heap or put it in the trash already! Otherwise it becomes your neighbor's problem or if blown into the gutters, ends up in Galveston bay, cutting off oxygen in the water and killing fish and other critters that make the Bay their home. As for automated phone assistance, there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one! Assistance, my foot! By the time you get through the twenty options (none of which you want), and finally get to your option, you have to be on-hold hell for God knows how long!!! And car alarms. Another in the category of useless, totally useless. All these are good for is noise pollution! Well, enough of my rants and raves for now. I'll leave it on a funny if not rather sad commentary on our world today. In the Sunday Chronicle travel section there was an ad for a "Go wild with 'Britney Breakdown' package".
It was for 4 hotels in San Fran offering accomodations plus extras that include: a $50 hair salon gift cert, "Hanky Panky" lace thongs, a Marc Jacobs mirror (perfect for "I am fabulous" affirmations), bottled water in lieu of alcohol and a $25 clothing store gift cert. By the way, I think they forgot panty hose in that survey!


Michael-Ann said...

Hey You! Did you ever hear about that woman who's toes curled every time she had sex?????

She always forgot to take off her panty hose :)

yuck yuck...

Shelli said...

my silly, silly Boo-ness!
aren't you funny Honey?