Friday, January 26, 2007

Finally!!! At Long Last...

Well, folks. Here it is. Finally. I always said I was gonna do a blog. And ta dum! Here it is. I still have to set up my profile. But one thing at a time. I'm just so stoked to be finally in blog-shere! woo hoo!!


Michael-Ann said...

WOW! Looky LOOKY! Shelli has a blog too now....YAY!!! It is about time damnit! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging... I'm gonna keep an eye on you up in heah :)

Mitch! said...


HI! :D

Shelli said...

how cool is this??!! oh, WOW-age!!! now all i gotta do is find out to get some photos up on heah!
good to hear from you guys!!
miracles never cease, huh?
i really wanted "magically delicious", but it was already taken. so i thought up this weird one. hope you do keep an eye on here, b/c i plan to write about all kinds of stuff!

Michael-Ann said...

Hey Michelle... You want me to put a link to your blog on your website???? WHICH REMINDS ME YOUNG LADY... You still owe me some info about dem thar paintings on your website :)

Michael-Ann said...

p.s. YES! We wanna see pictures of your gorgeous smile pronto!!!!!!

Shelli said...

oh would you, sweet thang?
you're the BEST!! yes, about the painting info, you're right! sorry i've been so deliquent! i wanna get pic's of Elsa and the chirplets. one of these days i need to lure you over here to help me w/ the techies.