Friday, February 23, 2007

Finally Fri...

What a difference a day makes! This morning was so beautiful and QUIET! I soaked up the soothing solitude and serenity. I lay in bed and basked in it, marveling at the sweet simplicity of it. Watching the morning go from dark to dawn throught the gaps in the mini-blinds on my bedroom windows. The chi was flowing freely and all was well with Feng Shui.
After running into Mitch yesterday it brought back memories of when he, Carolyn and I worked together at the "big house." That's what he called it (And no, it wasn't "the slammer"). It was a couple of summers ago, very hot of course as Houston summers are. Mitch had recruited me from the "Artisits at Large" group to help them with some faux finish painting in the interior of this large home that was being built. We'd usually do Starbucks runs in the mornings on our way in to work. (I adore caramel frapuccino's). Sometimes we'd swing by El Rey to grab some breakfast tacos to go. They are some of the best around! At lunchtime, we'd have to decide where to go and what to eat. But one of my fav's was when we'd get some sushi, wasabi and other delectable goodies from Whole Foods, grab a corner of the house that wasn't being worked on and have our own little picnic lunch. It was so fun! Made all the hard work worth it!

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