Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rude Awakening...

Nothing like being roused from a deep sleep at 6am by huge, LOUD, roaring, horrendous, unfamiliar sounds!!! I got up and went and looked out the windows. My house was surrounded by 4 cement trucks (3 in front, 1 one back). You see, they're building SEVEN homes right across the street from me, in the front, and THREE homes behind me, in the back. It's bad enough to be near one construction site, but to be surrounded by them -- is almost unbearable. In addition to the cement trucks, there are the beep-beep-beeping sounds of vehicles moving backward, dozens of mens' voices shouting, jackhammers, nailguns, drills, electric saws and other assorted unpleasant sounds. My morning solitude is shattered. I would scream, but you couldn't hear me anyway. Usually they don't start till 8am (and end at 7pm). The noise might not be so bad if it was muffled. But I live in an old house. The windows rattle because they have nothing to hold them in place, you could pass a Sunday Chronicle through the front and back door (both in desperate need of weather stripping), the floors are wooden, no carpet to absorb the sound, no draperies to absorb sound and the house is very close to the street (only a few feet away); the street is very busy, heavily travelled with a high volume of traffic. Additionally, the house sits up on blocks so it's like a valley under there, where the wind blows freely and so does the noise. Just another of the many "joys" of living where I do. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing it won't last forever! It's pretty bad when you have to go to work to get some peace and quiet. grumble, grumble...

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